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» » [1.2.5-R1.0] Cinema v1.1 - Анимационные пиксельарты.

[1.2.5-R1.0] Cinema v1.1 - Анимационные пиксельарты.

12-04-2012, 18:31
Автор: admin
[1.2.5-R1.0] Cinema v1.1 - Анимационные пиксельарты.

Cinema v1.1 - Хотелось бы оживить одну из ваших пиксельартов? Или хотите чтобы ваше синема сооружение двигалось? Тогда этот плагин для вас.

Команды bukkit плагина Cinema v1.1:
/cpos1 [x] [y] [z] [[worldname if console]] :
set the first corner of your cuboid, which should be saved. if you play a saved file, this will be the pos1 you used by saving. so save your pixelart where you want. and then set pos1 to the destination and play your animation.
if no parameters were given, the position of the players feet is used(the block you are standing in)
as player you can also specify the x, y and z. if you want to use this command from the console. you also have to specify the worldname
/cpos2 [x] [y] [z] [[worldname if console]] :
sets the second corner of your cuboid. is just used for saving. parameters are the same as in /cpos1
/csave [[worldname if console]] :
saves the frame selected by pos1 and pos2 to the specified file. if you use this from the console, y ou also have to specify the worldname.
/cplay :
plays the given file under the given playername (needed to stop this player with cstop)(playername does not refer to your own player name, but to the name you give the playing animation. it also can be 213232123 or whatever. its just for identification purposes later)
setair specifies if air blocks should be set when animating. if this is 0 no blocks will be set to air.
playcount is the amount of times the file will be played. it then calls stop by itself. 0 = never stops by itself
restore after stop means, that every block ever set by the command will be restored to that what was there before starting the player.
the frameduration is the amount of time it takes until the next frame is drawn in your world.
/cstop :
stops the player with the given name. this refers to the playername used in /cplay
/csaveair :
if you dont want to save airblocks to your animated file set this to 0.
/cinfo :
shows you the current pos1 and pos2

Влом во всем этом разбираться :D, кому нада поймут :))

Скачать bukkit плагин Cinema v1.1 - Анимационные пиксельарты для bukkit 1.2.5-R1.0
cinema_v1.1_bukkit1.2.5r1.0.jar [9,59 Kb] (cкачиваний: 509)
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